In an Immense - Infinite - and unending Universe...
Among millions - trillions - of planets...
Imagine! There is only ONE you!
Knowing that...
Make Your Life Count!
We're all about enchantment and magic... Good things come in small packages...
It's about the intense good feeling you get when you magically perceive something you really feel good about!
Let yourself go... wander into any realm that you find interesting!
Be it... Earrings... Bracelet... Gemstone Pendant... Incense cones or Sticks... Dream Catcher...
Aroma Donkey Neck Pendant
Cute Donkey Aromatherapy Pendant.
Includes black cording + 2 aroma balls.
Shown at 50% larger than actual size.
Antique silver-tone, easy to open, Small Locket. Animal Aromatherapy Locket for use with essential oils.
Just add a few drops of essential oil onto the puff ball (pompom) or clay ball and then insert it into the locket.
PRICE: C$5.99