In an Immense - Infinite - and unending Universe...
Among millions - trillions - of planets...
Imagine! There is only ONE you!
Knowing that...
Make Your Life Count!
We're all about enchantment and magic... Good things come in small packages...
It's about the intense good feeling you get when you magically perceive something you really feel good about!
Let yourself go... wander into any realm that you find interesting!
Be it... Earrings... Bracelet... Gemstone Pendant... Incense cones or Sticks... Dream Catcher...
Rose Quartz & Hematite Shamballa Bracelet
Made of Genuine Gemstones!
YOUR PRICE: C$20.00 / RETAIL: C$30.00
Bracelet approx. 18 cm circumference with adjustable drawstring cord, bead approx.10 mm.|
Shamballa bracelets symbolize karma, inner peace, tranquility and happiness. Each semi-precious stone is combined with beautiful hematite beads and is held together with a black cord that easily fastens with two small beads at the end.
Rose quartz is a member of the largest family of stones, the silica group and is composed of silicon dioxide with traces of titanium. It emits a calming, cooling energy which can work on all of the chakras to gently remove negativity and to reinstate the loving, gentle forces of self-love. The pink colour of rose quartz has been symbolic of love throughout the ages.
This hematite is polished oxide of iron. It is said to have a positive effect on the bloodstream and increase resistance to stress.
Brecciated Jasper/Hematite Shamballa Bracelet
Made of Genuine Gemstones!
YOUR PRICE: C$20.00 / RETAIL: C$30.00
Bracelet approx. 18 cm circumference with adjustable drawstring cord, bead approx.10 mm.
Shamballa bracelets symbolize karma, inner peace, tranquility and happiness. Each semi-precious stone is combined with beautiful hematite beads and is held together with a black cord that easily fastens with two small beads at the end. Shamballa bracelets can be worn by men or women.
Brecciated Jasper enhances organizational abilities, relaxation and a sense of wholeness. It aligns the chakras and balances the yin-yang, physical and emotional. It is a stone of protection and is used in particular for protection during astral travel. Brecciated Jasper encourages attunement and communication with animals and can help with animal allergies, plus other allergies. It brings happiness, a good outlook on life and eases stress.
This hematite is polished oxide of iron. It is said to have a positive effect on the bloodstream and increase resistance to stress.